Please find below a list of experts identified by the Forum on the Arms Trade and click on their names for more information about them, including contact information. Inclusion in this list does not indicate agreement with or endorsement of the opinions of others. Institutional affiliation indicated for identification purposes only.
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Vidya Abhayagunawarden Coordinator, Forum on Disarmament and Development, Sri Lanka
Arms Trade Treaty | small arms and light weapons | landmines and cluster munitions |
Jeff Abramson Senior Fellow, Center for International Policy || Director, Forum on the Arms Trade
Arms Trade Treaty | landmines and cluster munitions | global trade data/trends |
Ray Acheson Director, Reaching Critical Will, Women's International League for Peace and Freedom
drones | Arms Trade Treaty | killer robots | explosive weapons in populated areas | gender | CCW |
Katherine Aguirre Tobón Researcher, Igarapé Institute (Brasil)
small arms and light weapons | Latin America | gender |
Linda Åkerström Head of Policy and Advocacy, Swedish Peace and Arbitration Society
Arms Trade Treaty (ATT) | Europe |
Radhya al-Mutawakel Chairperson and Co-founder, Mwatana for Human Rights
Middle East | harm to civilians - casualties, human rights, development |
Philip Alpers Dir. Programmes, Centre for Armed Violence Reduction; Assoc. Prof., Univ. of Sydney
Small arms and light weapons (SALW) | Asia (including Indo Pacific) |
Hiruni Alwishewa Independent Expert
Arms Trade Treaty I Export control, transfer policy and laws I harm to civilians |
Habbouba Aoun Director, Dept. of Community Engagement (Health Sciences), Univ. of Balamand
landmines and cluster munitions | Middle East |
Peter Asaro Associate Professor, School of Media Studies, New School (New York City)
killer robots | drones | cyber |
David Atwood Independent expert
Small arms and light weapons (SALW) | other instruments (PoA) | harm to civilians (SDGs) | Africa |
Kathi Lynn Austin Executive Director, Conflict Awareness Project
arms trafficking | environment | harm to civilians - casualties, human rights, development |
Seth Binder Director of Advocacy, Middle East Democracy Center
arms sales | Middle East | security assistance |
Roos Boer Project Leader, Explosive Weapons in Populated Areas, PAX
explosive weapons in populated areas | landmines and cluster munitions | harm to civilians |
Laura Boillot Director, Article 36 | Coord., Intern'l Network on Explosive Weapons (INEW)
explosive weapons in populated areas | landmines and cluster munitions | harm to civilians |
Matthew Breay Bolton Co-director, International Disarmament Institute, Pace University
landmines and cluster munitions | killer robots | Arms Trade Treaty | CCW | harm to civilians | environment |
Mark Bromley Senior Researcher, Dual-Use and Arms Trade Control Programme, SIPRI
strategic trade control | global trade data/trends | SALW | Arms Trade Treaty | Latin America | Europe |
Martin Butcher Policy Advisor for IHL, Conflict and Arms, Oxfam International
Arms Trade Treaty | harm to civilians - casualties, human rights, development | Europe |
León Castellanos-Jankiewicz Snr Researcher, Asser Inst. for Int'l & Eur. Law, The Hague
Arms Trade Treaty | strategic trade control | Latin America | Europe | harm to civilians |
Brian Castner Senior Crisis Advisor, Amnesty International
small arms and light weapons (SALW) | landmines and cluster munitions | harm to civilians |
Lucía Centellas Executive Director, Esfuerzos de Mujeres Bolivianas (Bolivian Women's Efforts)
small arms and light weapons (SALW) I gender I other instruments |
John Ramming Chappell Advocacy & Legal Fellow, US Program, Center for Civilians in Conflict
arms sales | security assistance | export control, transfer policy and laws | harm to civilians |
Purna Shova Chitrakar Founder, Ban Landmines Campaign Nepal (NCBL)
landmines and cluster munitions | Arms Trade Treaty (ATT) | Asia |
Helen Close Research Associate, Omega Research Foundation
harm to civilians | global trade data/trends | other instruments |
Magda Coss Nogueda Independent expert
small arms and light weapons (SALW) | Arms Trade Treaty (ATT) | gender | Latin America |
Verity Coyle Senior Advisor - Amnesty International || Non-resident Fellow, Stimson Center
Arms Trade Treaty (ATT) | killer robots | gender | export control, transfer policy and laws |
Anna Crowe Associate Dir, Int'l Human Rights Clinic, and Lecturer on Law, Harvard Law School
Arms Trade Treaty | harm to civilians - casualties, human rights, development |
Natalie Davidson Senior Lecturer, Tel Aviv University Buchmann Faculty of Law
Arms Trade Treaty | cyber | harm to civilians - casualties, human rights, development |
Maria Pia Devoto Director, Association for Public Policy-APP (Argentina)
Latin America | SALW | Arms Trade Treaty (ATT) | landmines and cluster munitions |
Lode Dewaegheneire Independent Expert, Fellow at University of Liège
Arms Trade Treaty | landmines and cluster munitions | strategic trade control | killer robots |
Sara Elizabeth Dill International criminal law and human rights lawyer, Anethum Global
harm to civilians - casualties, human rights, development | corruption | Middle East |
Bonnie Docherty Dir, ACCPI, Int'l Hmn Rights Clinic, Harvard Law; Snr Arms Advisor, HRW
killer robots | landmines, cluster munitions | harm to civilians | CCW | explosive weapons in populated areas |
Gugu Dube Researcher, Automated Decision Research team for the Campaign to Stop Killer Robots
Arms Trade Treaty (ATT) | Africa | SALW | landmines and cluster munitions | killer robots |
Geoffrey L. Duke Head of Secretariat, South Sudan Action Network on Small Arms
Small arms and light weapons (SALW) | Arms Trade Treaty | Africa | harm to civilians |
Nils Duquet Director, Flemish Peace Institute
global trade data/trends | SALW | Europe | arms trafficking | strategic trade control |
Hassan El-Tayyab Legislative Director, Middle East Policy, Friends Comm. on National Legislation
Middle East |
Jennifer L. Erickson Associate Professor of Political Science and Int'l Studies, Boston College
arms sales | Arms Trade Treaty | other instruments |
Kelsey Gallagher Researcher, Project Ploughshares
global trade data/trends | Arms Trade Treaty (ATT) |
Henrique Garbino Doctoral candidate, Swedish Defense University
landmines and cluster munitions | SALW | explosive weapons in populated areas | harm to civilians |
Denise Garcia Professor of Political Science and International Affairs, Northeastern University
Arms Trade Treaty | international instruments |
Alistair Gee Executive Director, Centre for Armed Violence Reduction
Arms Trade Treaty (ATT) | Asia | harm to civilians - casualties, human rights, development |
Mathew George Project Director, Arms Transfers Programme, SIPRI
global trade data/trends | Asia | arms sales | defense industry |
Natalie Goldring Visiting Professor, Duke University || UN Consultant, Acronym Institute
arms sales | small arms and light weapons (SALW) | Arms Trade Treaty | other instruments |
Colby Goodman Senior Researcher, Transparency International (TI) Defence & Security, TI-US
security assistance | export control, transfer policy and laws | Africa |
Hector Guerra independent expert
SALW | landmines & cluster munitions | ATT | other instruments | Latin America | harm to civilians |
Tomas Hamilton Adjunct Faculty, University of Amsterdam and Guernica 37 Chambers, London
Arms Trade Treaty | arms trafficking | harm to civilians | Europe | Asia |
William Hartung Senior Research Fellow, Quincy Institute for Responsible Statecraft
defense industry (and offsets) | export control | F-35 | security assistance | Middle East |
Lauriane Héau Researcher, Dual-Use and Arms Trade Control, SIPRI
global trade data/trends | Europe |
Erin Hunt Executive Director, Mines Action Canada
landmines and cluster munitions | killer robots | explosive weapons in populated areas | gender |
Adam Isacson Snr. Assoc. of Regional Security Policy, Washington Office of Latin America (WOLA)
Latin America | security assistance |
Cesar Jaramillo Executive Director, Project Ploughshares
global trade data/trends | killer robots | harm to civilians - casualties, human rights, development |
N.R. Jenzen-Jones Director, Armament Research Services (ARES)
Small arms and light weapons (SALW) | landmines and cluster munitions | arms trafficking |
Raza Shah Khan Executive Director, Sustainable Peace And Development Organization (SPADO)
Asia | landmines and cluster munitions | SALW | explosive weapons in populated areas |
Daryl G. Kimball Executive Director, Arms Control Association
arms sales | landmines and cluster munitions |
Elizabeth Kirkham Arms Unit Senior Advisor, Saferworld
Arms Trade Treaty | global trade data/trends | Europe |
Michael Klare Senior Visiting Fellow, Arms Control Association
arms sales | killer robots | drones | Asia |
Ursala Knudsen-Latta Legislative Director, Peacebuilding, Friends Comm. on National Legislation
landmines and cluster munitions I gender |
Matt Korda Associate Director for the Nuclear Information Project, Federation of American Scientists
drones | defense industry |
Guy Lamb Senior Lecturer, Department of Political Science, Stellenbosch University
small arms and light weapons (SALW) | Africa |
Bruno Langeani Consultant, Instituto Sou da Paz
small arms and light weapons (SALW) | Latin America | arms trafficking |
Edward J. Laurance Former Professor, Middlebury Institute of International Studies at Monterey
small arms and light weapons (SALW) | harm to civilians | international instruments |
John Lindsay-Poland Coordinator, Project to Stop US Arms to Mexico
Latin America | security assistance |
Gisela Luján Andrade Founder, Perú por el Desarme
killer robots | harm to civilians - casualties, human rights, development I Latin America |
Daniel Mack Senior Independent consultant
small arms and light weapons (SALW) | Arms Trade Treaty (ATT) | Latin America | harm to civilians |
Giovanna Maletta Senior Researcher, Dual-Use and Arms Trade Control Programme, SIPRI
strategic trade control | Europe | Arms Trade Treaty (ATT) | SALW | other instruments |
Ara Marcen Naval Head of Advocacy, Transparency International Defense & Security
Arms Trade Treaty | corruption | harm to civilians - casualties, human rights, development |
Shana Marshall Assoc. Dir. & Asst. Res. Prof., Inst. for Middle East Studies, George Washington U.
Middle East | corruption | defense industry | arms sales |
Nicholas Marsh Senior Researcher, International Peace Research Institute Oslo (PRIO)
small arms and light weapons (SALW) | global trade data/trends | arms trafficking |
Jesús Martínez Independent expert
Latin America | harm to civilians | landmines and cluster munitions |
Montserrat Martínez Téllez Research consultant on gender and armed violence, 24-0 Mexico
Latin America | small arms and light weapons (SALW) | harm to civilians |
Elizabeth Minor Advisor, Article 36
drones | harm to civilians | killer robots | explosive weapons in populated areas |
Yeshua Moser-Puangsuwan Independent expert
landmines and cluster munitions | small arms and light weapons (SALW) | Asia |
Robert Muggah Co-founder & Research Director at Igarapé Institute and the SecDev Group
small arms and light weapons | Latin America | global trade data/trends | harm to civilians | arms trafficking |
Wanda Muñoz Inclusion, Victim Assistance, and Humanitarian Disarmament Expert
harm to civilians | gender | killer robots | landmines and cluster munitions |
Folade Mutota Executive Director, WINAD (Trinidad and Tobago)
gender | small arms and light weapons (SALW) | Latin America (Caribbean) | ATT |
Jasmin Nario-Galace Senior Program Director, Global Network of Women Peacebuilders
small arms and light weapons (SALW) | Asia | harm to civilians | ATT | Other instruments |
Amy Nelson Fellow, Brookings Institute
international instruments | export control, transfer policy and laws | strategic trade control |
Nancy Okail President and CEO, Center for International Policy
Middle East | arms sales | security assistance | harm to civilians | corruption |
Iain Overton Executive Director, Action on Armed Violence (AOAV)
small arms and light weapons | explosive weapons | landmines and cluster munitions | harm to civilians |
Josh Paul Senior Advisor, DAWN
arms sales | security assistance | export control, transfer policy and laws | Middle East |
Scott Paul Senior Manager, Humanitarian Policy, Oxfam America
harm to civilians - casualties, human rights, development | Middle East (Yemen) |
Carlos Pérez Ricart Assistant Professor in International Relations, CIDE
Latin America | small arms and light weapons (SALW) |
Samuel Perlo-Freeman Research Coordinator, Campaign Against Arms Trade (UK)
defense industry | global arms trade data/trends | corruption |
Loren Persi Impact research team leader, Landmine and Cluster Munition Moniton
landmines and cluster munitions | harm to civilians - casualties | explosive weapons in populated areas |
Michael Picard Independent Expert
Small arms and light weapons (SALW) | defense industry | corruption |
Stacey Pizzino Researcher, University of Queensland
landmines and cluster munitions I harm to civilians - casualties, human rights, development |
Natália Pollachi Project Manager, Instituto Sou da Paz (Brasil)
small arms and light weapons | Latin America | gender | arms trafficking |
Josh Ruebner Director of Government Relations, Institute for Middle East Understanding
arms sales (Israel) | security assistance (Palestinian Authority) | Middle East |
Sara San Martín Romero Centro de Estudios Ecuménicos, México
Latin America | small arms and light weapons (SALW) | Arms Trade Treaty (ATT) |
Markus Schindler Program Manager, Fondation suisse de déminage (FSD)
landmines and cluster munitions | small arms and light weapons (SALW) |
Patrick Senft Research Coordinator, Armament Research Services
small arms and light weapons (SALW) | landmines and cluster munitions | arms trafficking |
Camilo Serna Deputy Director and Co-Founder, Colombia Campaign Against Landmines (CCCM)
landmines and cluster munitions | killer robots | Latin America |
Annie Shiel US Advocacy Director, Center for Civilians in Conflict (CIVIC)
arms sales | security assistance | explosive weapons in populated areas | harm to civilians |
Shobha Pradhan Shrestha Founder & Exec. Chair, Women for Peace & Democracy - Nepal
killer robots | explosive weapons in populated areas | Asia |
Stephen Mwachofi Singo Deputy Director, Security Research & Information Centre
Africa | small arms and light weapons (SALW) |
Nate Smith Co-Chair, Military, Security and Policy Co-Group, Amnesty International USA
arms sales | export control, transfer policy and laws | harm to civilians |
Ayman Sorour Executive Director, Protection Against Armaments and Consequences
Middle East | landmines and cluster munitions | killer robots |
Jen Spindel Assistant Professor of Political Science, University of New Hampshire
global trade data/trends | arms sales | cyber |
Alexandra Stark Associate Policy Researcher at the RAND Corporation
arms sales | security assistance | Middle East |
Anna Stavrianakis Prof. Int'l Relations, U Sussex || Dir Res. & Strat. Shadow World Investigations
Arms Trade Treaty | Europe |
Rachel Stohl Senior Vice President of Research Programs, Stimson Center
Arms Trade Treaty | drones | US policy and practice | global trade data/trends | child soldiers |
Avihai Stollar Human rights researcher, Breaking the Silence
Small arms and light weapons (SALW) | killer robots | Middle East | harm to civilians |
Alma Taslidžan Disarmament & Protection of Civilians Adv. Manager, Humanity & Inclusion
landmines and cluster munitions | harm to civilians | explosive weapons in populated areas |
Ari Tolany Director, Security Assistance Monitor, Center for International Policy
arms sales | security assistance | Asia | harm to civilians |
Andrea Varisco Independent Expert; ATT Monitor Project Lead; Assoc. Senior Researcher, SIPRI
global trade data/trends | Arms Trade Treaty (ATT) | Small arms and light weapons (SALW) | arms trafficking |
Francesco Vignarca National Coordinator, Rete Italiana per il Disarmo
Europe | drones | killer robots | explosive weapons in populated areas | Arms Trade Treaty (ATT) |
Jodi Vittori Professor, Georgetown Univ. School of Foreign Service || Fellow, Carnegie Endow.
corruption | defense industry | Middle East |
Eugenio Weigend Vargas Research Fellow, Inst. for Firearm Injury Prevention, Univ. Michigan
Small arms and light weapons (SALW) | Latin America | arms trafficking |
Pieter D. Wezeman Senior Researcher, Arms Transfers Programme, SIPRI
global trade data/trends | arms sales | Middle East | Europe |
Sarah Leah Whitson Executive Director, DAWN
Middle East | arms sales | Harm to civilians - casualties, human rights, development |
Patrick Wilcken Researcher, Arms Control, Security & Human Rights, Amnesty Int'l secretariat
Latin America | global trade data/trends | Middle East |
Hannah Wild General Surgery Resident, University of Washington
explosive weapons in populated areas I harm to civilians I landmines and cluster munitions |
Adrian Wilkinson Independent consultant
arms trafficking | explosive weapons in populated areas| landmines/cluster munitions | SALW | export control |
Cristian Wittmann Professor, Universidade Federal do Pampa
landmines and cluster munitions | Arms Trade Treaty (ATT) | Latin America | other instruments |
Sarah Yager Washington Director, Human Rights Watch
harm to civilians - casualties, human rights, development | security assistance | arms sales |
Katherine Young Research & Monitoring Manager, Explosive Weapons Monitor
explosive weapons in populated areas | Arms Trade Treaty (ATT) | harm to civilians |
Elias Yousif Research Analyst, Conventional Defense Program, Stimson Center
security assistance | Middle East | harm to civilians - casualties, human rights, development |
Wim Zwijnenburg Project Leader in Humanitarian Disarmament, PAX (Netherlands)
environment | Arms Trade Treaty | drones |