Andrea Edoardo Varisco
Independent Expert; Associate Senior Researcher, SIPRI (website)
twitter: @edovarisco
email: andrea [dot] varisco [at] sipri [dot] org
Independent Expert; Associate Senior Researcher, SIPRI (website)
twitter: @edovarisco
email: andrea [dot] varisco [at] sipri [dot] org
Small arms and light weapons (SALW) | arms trafficking | Arms Trade Treaty (ATT) | global trade data/trends
Dr Andrea Edoardo Varisco is an independent expert and an Associate Senior Researcher at the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI). He has worked as Director of the SIPRI Arms Transfers Programme, as Acting Director of the SIPRI Dual-use and Arms Trade Control Programme and as Head of Analytics for Conflict Armament Research. Varisco has field research experience in conflict-affected countries in the Middle East, South Asia, and Sub-Saharan Africa. He has authored and co-authored analytical reports on arms control and illicit weapons and ammunition. His areas of expertise include small arms and light weapons, illicit weapon trade, the Arms Trade Treaty (ATT) and security sector reform.
Varisco holds a PhD in Post-war Recovery Studies from the University of York as well as a MA in International Affairs, Peace and Conflict Studies specialization from the Australian National University (in collaboration with Peace Research Institute Oslo) and a MA in Politics and Comparative Institutions from the Università degli Studi di Milano.
Recent Publications*:
Dr Andrea Edoardo Varisco is an independent expert and an Associate Senior Researcher at the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI). He has worked as Director of the SIPRI Arms Transfers Programme, as Acting Director of the SIPRI Dual-use and Arms Trade Control Programme and as Head of Analytics for Conflict Armament Research. Varisco has field research experience in conflict-affected countries in the Middle East, South Asia, and Sub-Saharan Africa. He has authored and co-authored analytical reports on arms control and illicit weapons and ammunition. His areas of expertise include small arms and light weapons, illicit weapon trade, the Arms Trade Treaty (ATT) and security sector reform.
Varisco holds a PhD in Post-war Recovery Studies from the University of York as well as a MA in International Affairs, Peace and Conflict Studies specialization from the Australian National University (in collaboration with Peace Research Institute Oslo) and a MA in Politics and Comparative Institutions from the Università degli Studi di Milano.
Recent Publications*:
- "Privately Made Firearms in the European Union," Project Insight, December 2023.*
- "Types of Firearms Used in Violence in the European Union," Project Insight, December 2023.
- "Illicit Small Arms and Light Weapons in Sub-Saharan Africa: Using UN Reports on Arms Embargoes to Identify Sources, Challenges and Policy Measures," SIPRI, December 2022.*
- "Good Practice Guide on Post-shipment On-site Inspections of Military Materiel," SIPRI, August 2022.
- "Taking Stock of the Arms Trade Treaty: A Summary of Policy Options," SIPRI, Stockholm, December 2021.*
- "Post-shipment On-site Inspections of Military Materiel: Challenges and Responses," SIPRI, Stockholm, December 2021.*
- "Taking Stock of the Arms Trade Treaty: Achievements, Challenges and Ways Forward," SIPRI, Stockholm, December 2021.*
- "Post-shipment Control Measures: European Approaches to On-site Inspections of Exported Military Materiel," SIPRI, Stockholm, December 2020.*
*indicates additional authors.