Daniel Mack
Senior Independent Consultant web: medium, NYU CIC email: mack [dot] sdp [at] gmail [dot] com Twitter: @slashviolence LinkedIn: Daniel Mack |
small arms and light weapons (SALW) | Arms Trade Treaty (ATT) | Latin America | harm to civilians
Daniel Mack is a senior independent consultant with over 15 years of experience on issues of armed violence reduction and international arms control. Daniel is Member of the Advisory Committee of Global Action on Gun Violence (GAGV), and is also a Senior Advisor with the Pathfinders for Peaceful, Just and Inclusive Societies at the NYU Center on International Cooperation, where for over two years he spearheaded the Pathfinders’ Halving Global Violence program, establishing and convening the HGV Task Force and providing strategic direction and leadership to the Peace in Our Cities and GENSAC networks. Prior to Pathfinders, Daniel worked for five years as an independent consultant, and provided research, policy or strategic advice for several United Nations agencies (UNIDIR, UNLIREC, UNODA, UNODC) and international NGOs, including Save the Children Norway, Small Arms Survey, Control Arms, Conectas Direitos Humanos (Brazil), PAX (Netherlands), and Asociación para Políticas Públicas (Argentina).
Earlier, Daniel worked for nine years at the NGO Instituto Sou da Paz in São Paulo, Brazil, spearheading its arms control efforts both at the national level and at global fora. Moreover, he was co-chair of the Control Arms coalition that pushed for the UN Arms Trade Treaty and member of the International Advisory Council of the International Action Network on Small Arms (IANSA), among other leadership roles. Daniel was a founding member of the Editorial Team of the publication ATT Monitor. Previously, he was a Research Associate at the Inter-American Dialogue in Washington, DC. He holds a master's degree in International Relations (MSFS) from Georgetown University (USA). Daniel speaks fluent English, Portuguese, and Spanish, and is currently based in Berlin, Germany.
Recent publications*:
Daniel Mack is a senior independent consultant with over 15 years of experience on issues of armed violence reduction and international arms control. Daniel is Member of the Advisory Committee of Global Action on Gun Violence (GAGV), and is also a Senior Advisor with the Pathfinders for Peaceful, Just and Inclusive Societies at the NYU Center on International Cooperation, where for over two years he spearheaded the Pathfinders’ Halving Global Violence program, establishing and convening the HGV Task Force and providing strategic direction and leadership to the Peace in Our Cities and GENSAC networks. Prior to Pathfinders, Daniel worked for five years as an independent consultant, and provided research, policy or strategic advice for several United Nations agencies (UNIDIR, UNLIREC, UNODA, UNODC) and international NGOs, including Save the Children Norway, Small Arms Survey, Control Arms, Conectas Direitos Humanos (Brazil), PAX (Netherlands), and Asociación para Políticas Públicas (Argentina).
Earlier, Daniel worked for nine years at the NGO Instituto Sou da Paz in São Paulo, Brazil, spearheading its arms control efforts both at the national level and at global fora. Moreover, he was co-chair of the Control Arms coalition that pushed for the UN Arms Trade Treaty and member of the International Advisory Council of the International Action Network on Small Arms (IANSA), among other leadership roles. Daniel was a founding member of the Editorial Team of the publication ATT Monitor. Previously, he was a Research Associate at the Inter-American Dialogue in Washington, DC. He holds a master's degree in International Relations (MSFS) from Georgetown University (USA). Daniel speaks fluent English, Portuguese, and Spanish, and is currently based in Berlin, Germany.
Recent publications*:
- "ATT Monitor 2020," Control Arms, August 19, 2020 with data and drafts contributed by Shannon Dick, Roy Isbister, Nicolas Marsh, Rachel Stohl and others.
- "VÅPENEKSPORT OG KRIGEN I JEMEN: Utilstrekkelige risikovurderinger og svakheter i norsk regelverk," Save the Children Norway and Changemaker, February 26, 2020
- "Taming the Devil within: How to use the Arms Trade Treaty to Address Diversion in Latin America," Control Arms, Feb. 26. 2019.
- "Ammunition Control Practices in Latin America and the Caribbean," UNLIREC, June 2018.
- "ATT Monitor 2017, chapter 1.1: Transparency in the ATT," ATT Monitor 2017, 2017.
- “Small Arms, Big Violations”, SUR International Journal on Human Rights, December 2015, Issue 22.
- “Armed and Insecure: An overview of arms transfers and armed violence in the Horn of Africa (2010-2015)” (with Frank Slijper), PAX, September 2016.
- “War in peace: the big toll of small arms”, OpenSecurity, October 2014.
- “What Next? Thoughts for Global Civil Society Working on Arms Control and Armed Violence Reduction”, Instituto Sou da Paz, April 2014.
- “O Brasil e as lágrimas de Obama”, Folha de São Paulo, January 2016.