Media directory - General US Arms Sales
In order to assist the expert community in reaching media audiences, the Forum on the Arms Trade maintains a list of journalists who are now reporting on key arms transfer topics. On this page, we highlight reporters covering arms issues related to the Middle East, including Israel. These lists are not exhaustive, but are meant to capture leading journalists and are frequently updated. The journalists identified here have not necessarily explicitly consented to be listed. If you have suggestions for additional media members, or are listed and would like to be removed, please email us.
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Available Forum experts:
In order to assist journalists, we also indicate the names of the Forum-listed experts who have agreed to answer media queries on these topics.
based in the United States: Rachel Stohl (Stimson Center), Elias Yousif (Stimson Center), Ari Tolany (Center for International Policy), Seth Binder (Middle East Democracy Center), John Ramming Chappell (CIVIC), Jeff Abramson (Center for International Policy), William Hartung (Quincy Institute for Responsible Statecraft), Annie Shiel (CIVIC), Colby Goodman (Transparency International US), John Lindsay-Poland (Stop US Arms to Mexico), Shana Marshall (Institute for Middle East Studies, George Washington University), Stephen Semler (Security Policy Reform Institute),
based in Europe: Hiruni Alwishewa (independent)
In order to assist journalists, we also indicate the names of the Forum-listed experts who have agreed to answer media queries on these topics.
based in the United States: Rachel Stohl (Stimson Center), Elias Yousif (Stimson Center), Ari Tolany (Center for International Policy), Seth Binder (Middle East Democracy Center), John Ramming Chappell (CIVIC), Jeff Abramson (Center for International Policy), William Hartung (Quincy Institute for Responsible Statecraft), Annie Shiel (CIVIC), Colby Goodman (Transparency International US), John Lindsay-Poland (Stop US Arms to Mexico), Shana Marshall (Institute for Middle East Studies, George Washington University), Stephen Semler (Security Policy Reform Institute),
based in Europe: Hiruni Alwishewa (independent)
Media list (search by name or outlet, or scroll down for full list -- last updated July 10, 2024)