Rachel Stohl
Senior Vice President of Research Programs, Stimson Center (website)
twitter: @rachelstohl
email: rstohl [at] stimson [dot] org
phone: (202) 223-5956
Senior Vice President of Research Programs, Stimson Center (website)
twitter: @rachelstohl
email: rstohl [at] stimson [dot] org
phone: (202) 223-5956
Arms Trade Treaty | drones | US policy and practice | global trade data/trends | strategic trade control | child soldiers
Rachel Stohl is Senior Vice President of Research Programs at the Stimson Center and Director of the Conventional Defense Program. Her areas of expertise focus on issues relating to the international arms trade, including drones, small arms and light weapons, as well as children and armed conflict.
Prior to joining Stimson she was an associate fellow at Chatham House, the Royal Institute of International Affairs, from 2009-2011. She was a senior analyst at the Center for Defense Information in Washington, DC from 1998-2009. Stohl has also been a consultant for many international organizations, including Oxfam, Project Ploughshares, SIPRI, the Small Arms Survey, and World Vision. She served as a Scoville Fellow at the British American Security Information Council in DC and worked at the United Nations Center for Disarmament Affairs in New York and at the Program for Arms Control, Disarmament, and Conversion in Monterey, CA. Stohl is an adjunct professor in the Security Studies Program at Georgetown University.
Stohl was the consultant to the UN ATT process from 2010-2013 and was previously the consultant to the UN Group of Governmental Experts (GGE) on the Arms Trade Treaty in 2008 and the UN Register for Conventional Arms in 2009.
Stohl is co-author of two books, The International Arms Trade (Polity Press, 2009) and The Beginners Guide to the Small Arms Trade (Oneworld Publishing, 2009). She has appeared in numerous documentaries, including "Making a Killing: Inside the International Arms Trade," available on the DVD of the feature film Lord of War.
Stohl holds an M.A. in international policy studies from the Monterey Institute of International Studies and an honors B.A. in political science and German from the University of Wisconsin-Madison.
Recent Publications:*
Rachel Stohl is Senior Vice President of Research Programs at the Stimson Center and Director of the Conventional Defense Program. Her areas of expertise focus on issues relating to the international arms trade, including drones, small arms and light weapons, as well as children and armed conflict.
Prior to joining Stimson she was an associate fellow at Chatham House, the Royal Institute of International Affairs, from 2009-2011. She was a senior analyst at the Center for Defense Information in Washington, DC from 1998-2009. Stohl has also been a consultant for many international organizations, including Oxfam, Project Ploughshares, SIPRI, the Small Arms Survey, and World Vision. She served as a Scoville Fellow at the British American Security Information Council in DC and worked at the United Nations Center for Disarmament Affairs in New York and at the Program for Arms Control, Disarmament, and Conversion in Monterey, CA. Stohl is an adjunct professor in the Security Studies Program at Georgetown University.
Stohl was the consultant to the UN ATT process from 2010-2013 and was previously the consultant to the UN Group of Governmental Experts (GGE) on the Arms Trade Treaty in 2008 and the UN Register for Conventional Arms in 2009.
Stohl is co-author of two books, The International Arms Trade (Polity Press, 2009) and The Beginners Guide to the Small Arms Trade (Oneworld Publishing, 2009). She has appeared in numerous documentaries, including "Making a Killing: Inside the International Arms Trade," available on the DVD of the feature film Lord of War.
Stohl holds an M.A. in international policy studies from the Monterey Institute of International Studies and an honors B.A. in political science and German from the University of Wisconsin-Madison.
Recent Publications:*
- "Commemorating 75 Years of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights by Committing to a More Responsible Arms Trade," Stimson Center, December 4, 2023
- "In Shadow of War, a Snapshot of US Military Assistance to Israel," Stimson Center, October 13, 2023.
- "The Humanitarian and Strategic Risks of US Cluster Munitions Transfers to Ukraine," Stimson Center, July 24, 2023. *
- "FMS 2023 – Questions on The Administration’s Plans for Retooling Foreign Military Sales," Stimson Center, June 7, 2023. *
- "Biden’s New Policy: Can Human Rights Reshape U.S. Conventional Arms Transfers?," Arms Control Today, May 2023. *
- "The Arms Trade Treaty at Ten," Stimson Center, April 3, 2023.
- "Over Promising and Under Delivering on Arms Transfer Policies" in "Hits & Strikes From Biden’s First Two Years," The Stimson Center, January 23, 2023.
- "Twenty-five Years of Ridding the World of Landmines," Stimson Center December 5, 2022.
- "A US Plan to Prevent Arms Diversion in Ukraine is Welcome But Just the First Step," Stimson Center, November 10, 2022.
- "The Dilemma of Depending on Allies," in Stimson Center's "Experts React: The Biden Administration’s National Defense Strategy," November 2, 2022.
- "Mixed Reviews: Positive Developments and Negative Trends in 2021 ATT Annual Reports," Stimson Center, October 25, 2022.
- "NSS [National Security Strategy] Overlooks the Defining Dilemma of U.S. Security Cooperation," in "Experts React: Biden Administration’s National Security Strategy," Stimson Center, October 14, 2022.
- "The Risks of U.S. Military Assistance to Ukraine," Stimson Center, July 13, 2022.*
- "The Risks of US Military Assistance to Ukraine," Defense One, July 5, 2022.*
- "Biden Administration Announces New APL Landmines Policy," Stimson Center, June 24, 2022.*
- "To Arm or Not to Arm Ukrainians?" Inkstick, June 10, 2022.*
- "Why is the Biden Administration Still Silent on Arms Trade Treaty?," Stimson Center, April 27, 2022.
- "Taking Stock of ATT Reporting Trends and Challenges," Stimson Center, April 2022.*
- "Under Caution: Assessing Arms Transfer Risk in Ukraine," Stimson Center, March 7, 2022.*
- "2020 ATT Annual Reports: Examining Trends and Enduring Challenges," Stimson Center, October 27, 2021.*
- "Demystifying End-Use Monitoring in U.S. Arms Exports," Security Assistance Monitor, Center for Civilians in Conflict & Stimson Center, September 2021.*
- "ATT Monitor Report 2021," Control Arms, August 2021.*
- "Taking Stock of the Arms Trade Treaty: Universalization," SIPRI, August 2021.
- "Will Biden have courage on child soldiers?," The Hill, July 20, 2021.*
- "It’s time to rethink US drone policy," Responsible Statecraft, May 18, 2021.*
- "Redraw the Limits on Lethal Force Against Terror Groups," Defense One, May 10, 2021.*
- "Congress's role in ending the 'forever wars'," The Hill, May 5, 2021.*
- "A New Agenda For US Drone Policy And The Use Of Lethal Force," Stimson Center, April 2021.*
- "At 100 Days, Grading Biden’s Progress Toward a More Responsible US Arms Trade Policy," Just Security, April 28, 2021.*
- "Diversion and the Arms Trade Treaty: Identifying Good Practice and Opportunities for Progress," Stimson Center, launched March 2021.*
- "Opportunities to Regulate Conventional Arms in the Middle East and Horn of Africa," Manara Magazine, March 16, 2021.*
- "Policy Recommendations for the New Administration: Improving U.S. Conventional Arms Policies," Arms Control Today, Jan/Feb 2021.
- "Toward A More Responsible US Arms Trade Policy: Recommendations for the Biden-Harris Administration," Just Security, January 19, 2021.*
- "The Next Administration Should Bring the Shadow Wars into the Light," Defense One, November 25, 2020.*
* indicates additional authors