harm to civilians - casualties, human rights, development | gender | killer robots | landmines and cluster munitions
Wanda Muñoz is an independent consultant and has been working on the rights of people with disabilities, assistance to victims of conflict and humanitarian disarmament for the past 18 years. She has worked at project and policy levels in Asia, Africa, Latin America and Europe, and contributed to the development of the victim assistance provisions of the Convention on Cluster Munitions. She has authored various expert publications on victim assistance, inclusive livelihoods, gender-based violence, autonomy in weapons systems, and artificial intelligence. She has been an invited speaker to several forums, including at the UN Security Council and the OAS.
Muñoz' current disarmament efforts focus on autonomy in weapons systems. She is a member of the Feminist AI Research Network (A+ Alliance for Inclusive Algorithms), member of the Advisory Board of the Institute for Experiential AI Ethics Advisory Board, and member of the Board of Education for Sharing. Formerly, she was a member of SEHLAC and independent expert at the Global Partnership for Artificial Intelligence, nominated by Mexico. She has worked extensively for Humanity & Inclusion in different positions.
Muñoz holds a dual degree Master of International Affairs with a specialization in Economic and Political Development from Columbia University in New York and Sciences Po Paris, for which she was a recipient of the French MFA Eiffel Excellence scholarship. She holds a BA on International Affairs from Tec de Monterrey (Mexico) and specialized in Southeast Asian Affairs at Nanyang Technological University (Singapore). She recently obtained a certificate on Feminist Public Policy.
In 2020, Muñoz was recognized by the Nobel Women’s Initiative as a “peacebuilder working for woman activist and peacebuilder, working for peace, justice and equality” and by UNLIREC as one of Latin America’s “women who are forces of change to advance arms control, non-proliferation and humanitarian disarmament”
Wanda Muñoz is an independent consultant and has been working on the rights of people with disabilities, assistance to victims of conflict and humanitarian disarmament for the past 18 years. She has worked at project and policy levels in Asia, Africa, Latin America and Europe, and contributed to the development of the victim assistance provisions of the Convention on Cluster Munitions. She has authored various expert publications on victim assistance, inclusive livelihoods, gender-based violence, autonomy in weapons systems, and artificial intelligence. She has been an invited speaker to several forums, including at the UN Security Council and the OAS.
Muñoz' current disarmament efforts focus on autonomy in weapons systems. She is a member of the Feminist AI Research Network (A+ Alliance for Inclusive Algorithms), member of the Advisory Board of the Institute for Experiential AI Ethics Advisory Board, and member of the Board of Education for Sharing. Formerly, she was a member of SEHLAC and independent expert at the Global Partnership for Artificial Intelligence, nominated by Mexico. She has worked extensively for Humanity & Inclusion in different positions.
Muñoz holds a dual degree Master of International Affairs with a specialization in Economic and Political Development from Columbia University in New York and Sciences Po Paris, for which she was a recipient of the French MFA Eiffel Excellence scholarship. She holds a BA on International Affairs from Tec de Monterrey (Mexico) and specialized in Southeast Asian Affairs at Nanyang Technological University (Singapore). She recently obtained a certificate on Feminist Public Policy.
In 2020, Muñoz was recognized by the Nobel Women’s Initiative as a “peacebuilder working for woman activist and peacebuilder, working for peace, justice and equality” and by UNLIREC as one of Latin America’s “women who are forces of change to advance arms control, non-proliferation and humanitarian disarmament”
Recent Publications:
* indicates additional authors
- "Challenges posed by Autonomous Weapons Systems and Ways to Address Them: a perspective from Latin American academia and civil society. Contributions to the United Nations Secretary-General's Report on Lethal Autonomous Weapons Systems," Perú por el Desarme, May 2024.*
- "Autonomous weapons and deepfakes: weaponization of AI and the urgent need for regulation," in Missing Links in AI Governance, UNESCO and Mila - Québec Artificial Intelligence Institute, March 2023.*
- "Investment in Employment for Persons with Disabilities in Mainstream Settings: An initial analysis of France, Peru, and the United States," Humanity and Inclusion, December 2022*
- “The risks of autonomous weapons: an analysis centre on the rights of persons with disabilities,” International Review of the Red Cross, November 2022.
- "Inteligencia Artificial Feminista: Hacia un agenda de investigación para América Latina," Red FAIR LAC, November 1, 2022.
- "Ensuring access to mental health and psychosocial support in conflict, post-conflict and humanitarian settings," SEHLAC, ALSO, and RED-LAT, March 2022.*
- "It Is About More Than Autonomous Weapons Systems," Disarmament Dialogue, August 30, 2021.
- "Addressing gender-based violence in the context of assistance to victims of mines/ERW: recommendations for a way forward," SEHLAC, June 2021.
- Discapacidad, conflicto armado y construcción de paz, National University of Colombia, June 2021.*
- “Armas autónomas: una cuestión de derechos humanos, no de tecnología, y esto es lo que debes saber,” (“Autonomous weapons: it’s a question of human rights, not technology, and this is what you need to know”), SEHLAC Mexico, September 2020.*
- “Los riesgos de las armas autónomas: una perspectiva interseccional latinoamericana,” (“The risks of autonomous weapons: a Latin American intersectional perspective”) SEHLAC México, September 2020.*
* indicates additional authors