Journalists- By Name
In order to assist the expert community in reaching media audiences, the Forum on the Arms Trade maintains a list of journalists who have historically or are now regularly reporting on Forum topics.
Unlike our experts list, journalists identified here have not explicitly consented to be listed. Some journalists have, however, responded to queries about their work and have been profiled more fully (see media "spotlights"). Not exhaustive, this list is meant to capture leading journalists and is frequently updated. If you have suggestions for additional media members or topics to add to this list, or are listed and would like to be removed, please email us.
Spencer Ackerman, Senior national security correspondent, Daily Beast, @attackerman
Akbar Shahid Ahmed, Foreign affairs reporter, Huffington Post, @AkbarSAhmed Azam Ahmed, Bureau chief for Mexico, Central America and the Caribbean, New York Times, @azamsahmed Dania Akkad, Senior editor, Middle East Eye, @daniaakkad Idrees Ali, Foreign policy correspondent, Reuters, @idreesali114 Ivan Angelovski, Investigative reporter, Balkan Insight, @Ivan_Angelovski (see exemplary media) Kelsey D. Atherton, Technology writer, Defense News, @AthertonKD David Axe, American military correspondent and editor at War is Boring, War is Boring, @daxe Yara Bayoumy, Foreign policy/national security writer, The Atlantic, @yarabayoumy Bryan Bender, National security correspondent, POLITICO, @BryanDBender (see spotlight) Miriam Berger, Freelance journalist (website here), @MiriamABerger Todd Bookman, Correspondent, New Hampshire Public Radio (an NPR affiliate), @toddbookman Julian Borger, World affairs editor, The Guardian, @julianborger Bryan Bowman, Reporter, The Globe Post, @TGPBryanBowman Ryan Browne, National security correspondent, CNN, @rabrowne75 Robert Burns, National security correspondent, Associated Press, @robertburnsAP Anthony Capaccio, Defense reporter, Bloomberg, @ACapaccio C.J. Chivers, Long-form writer, investigative reporter, New York Times, @cjchivers (see spotlight) Helene Cooper, Pentagon correspondent, New York Times, @helenecooper Iona Craig, Freelance journalist (website here), @ionacraig (see exemplary media) Harrison Cramer, National security correspondent, National Journal, @HarrisonCramer Dan De Luce, National security and global affairs repoter, NBC, @dandeluce Thalif Deen, Senior editor & Director, UN bureau, Inter Press Service (IPS) news agency, Inter Press Service Karoun Demirjian, Congressional/national security reporter, The Washington Post, @karoun Jack Detsch, Pentagon correspondent, Al-Monitor, @JackDetsch_ALM (see exemplary media) Karen DeYoung, Associate editor & Senior national security correspondent, The Washington Post, @karendeyoung1 Catie Edmonson, Congressional reporter, New York Times, @CatieEdmondson Alex Emmons, Reporter, The Intercept, @AlexanderEmmons |
Nicholas Fandos, Congressional reporter, New York Times, @npfandos
Andrea Germanos, Staff writer and senior editor, Common Dreams, @andreagermanos Bill Gertz, National security columnist, Washington Times, @BillGertz Thomas Gibbons-Neff, Pentagon correspondent, New York Times, @Tmgneff (see spotlight) Joshua Goodman, Bureau chief Venezuela, Colombia & Panama, Associated Press, @APjoshgoodman Joe Gould, Congressional reporter, Defense News, @reporterjoe Aaron Gregg, Reporter, The Washington Post, @Post_AG Bryant Harris, Correspondent, Al-Monitor, @Brykharris_ALM Mehdi Hasan, Senior Contributor, The Intercept, @mehdirhasan WJ Hennigan, National security reporter, Time, @wjhenn Jeremy Herb, National security reporter, CNN, @jeremyherb Tiffany Hsu, Business reporter, NYT, @tiffkhsu John Hudson, Diplomacy and national security correspondent, The Washington Post, @John_Hudson Valerie Insinna, Air warfare reporter, Defense News, @ValerieInsinna John Ismay, Conflict reporter, New York Times, @Johnismay Jen Judson, Land warfare reporter, Defense News, @JenJudson Sheren Khalel, DC Correspondent, Middle East Eye, @SherenK Rebecca Kheel, Defense reporter, The Hill, @rebecca_h_k Tom Kington, Italy correspondent, The Times UK, Defense News, @tomkington Chris Kraul, Writer (South America), Los Angeles Times, @chriskraul Nicholas Kristof, Opinion columnist, New York Times, @NickKristof Eli Lake, Opinion columnist, Bloomberg, @EliLake Jonathan Landay, DC national security correspondent, Reuters, @JonathanLanday Richard Lardner, Reporter, The Associated Press, @rplardner Josh Lederman, National political reporter, NBC Television Network, @JoshNBCNews Matthew Lee, State Department correspondent, Associated Press, @APDiploWriter Gordon Lubold, Pentagon reporter, Wall Street Journal, @glubold Colum Lynch, UN senior diplomatic reporter, Foreign Policy, @columlynch |
Amanda Macias, National security reporter, CNBC, @amanda_m_macias
Mark Mazzetti, Washington investigations editor, New York Times, @MarkMazzettiNYT Angus McDowall, Deputy bureau chief, Reuters, @angusmcdowall Paul McLeary, Pentagon reporter, Breaking Defense, @paulmcleary Doyle McManus, Washington columnist, Los Angeles Times, @DoyleMcManus Aaron Mehta, Senior Pentagon correspondent and Associate Editor, Defense News, @AaronMehta (see exemplary media) Arron Merat, Freelance Journalist, @a_merat Greg Miller, National security correspondent, The Washington Post, @gregpmiller Ellen Mitchell, Defense reporter, The Hill, @EllenEMitchell Arshad Mohammed, US foreign policy correspondent, Reuters, @ArshadReuters Carlo Muñoz, Senior Journalist, IHS Jane's 360, @NatSecCarlo Dion Nissenbaum, National security correspondent, Wall Street Journal, @DionNissenbaum Ben Norton, Politics reporter and staff writer,, @BenjaminNorton Samuel Oakford, Journalist, The Intercept, @samueloakford Rachel Oswald, Staff writer, Roll Call, @OswaldRachel Oriana Pawlyk, Air warfare reporter,, @oriana0214 Julian Pecquet, Washington editor, Al-Monitor, @JPecquet_ALM Ryan Pickrell, Senior pentagon reporter, Business Insider, @rwp2011 Josh Rogin, Foreign affairs columnist, The Washington Post, @joshrogin Ami Rojkes Dombe, Cyber and defense correspondent, Israel Defense Magazine, @AmiRojkes Andrew Russell, Investigative Journalist, GlobalNews, @andrewglobal Missy Ryan, Pentagon reporter/staff writer, The Washington Post, @missy_ryan |
Bryan Schatz, Freelance Journalist, @BryanSchatz (see spotlight)
Eric Schmitt, Senior writer, New York Times, @EricSchmittNYT Jeff Seldin, National security reporter, Voice of America, @jseldin Lara Seligman, Pentagon correspondent, Foreign Policy, @laraseligman David Sherfinski, Politics reporter, The Washington Times, @dsherfinski Paul Shinkman, National security correspondent, US News and World Report, @pdshinkman Alastair Sloan, Freelance reporter, AlJazeera Liz Sly, Beirut bureau chief, The Washington Post, @LizSly R Jeffrey Smith, Managing editor for national security, Center for Public Integrity, @rjsmithcpi Paul Sonne, National security reporter, The Washington Post, @PaulSonne Sheryl Gay Stolberg, Chief Congressional correspondent, The New York Times, @SherylNYT Matt Spetalnick, Washington correspondent, Reuters, @mattspetalnick Mike Stone, Reporter, Reuters, @MichaelStone Christian Thiels, Defense expert and managing editor, CvD Tagesthemen, @ThielsChristian Patrick Tucker, Technology editor, Defense One, @DefTechPat Travis Waldron, Enterprise politics reporter for U.S. and Brazil, Huffington Post, @Travis_Waldron (see exemplary media) Alex Ward, Staff writer, Vox, @AlexWardVox Marcus Weisgerber, Global business editor, Defense One, @MarcusReports (see exemplary media) Katie Bo Williams, Senior national security correspondent, Defense One, @KatieBoWill Patrick Wintour, Diplomatic editor, The Guardian, @patrickwintour Alex Yablon, Reporter, Independent Reporter, @AlexYablon Patricia Zengerle, Congressional correspondent, Reuters, @ReutersZengerle |