Humanitarian Disarmament State Position Tracker
This resource page is designed to show the current position of states as related to key humanitarian disarmament treaties, declarations, and other initiatives.
See this resource for more information about humanitarian disarmament, and specific campaign pages for Control Arms (Arms Trade Treaty -- ATT), ICBL-CMC (Mine Ban Treaty -- MBT and Convention on Cluster Munitions -- CCM), ICAN (Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons -- TPNW), INEW (political declaration on explosive weapons in populated areas -- EWIPA), Campaign to Stop Killer Robots (legal instrument on autonomous weapons). See also the UN treaty database, and state positions on lethal autonomous weapons.
1 = legally bound (full state party to treaty, or endorser of political declaration)
0.5 = signatory
0.25 = supporter of the call
The original data, which contains additional information such as whether a country adopted treaty text at relevant adoption meetings or has no military forces, may be viewed at this link. Scroll to the bottom of that sheet to see the date of last update.
This list may be sorted by clicking on the column headers.
See this resource for more information about humanitarian disarmament, and specific campaign pages for Control Arms (Arms Trade Treaty -- ATT), ICBL-CMC (Mine Ban Treaty -- MBT and Convention on Cluster Munitions -- CCM), ICAN (Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons -- TPNW), INEW (political declaration on explosive weapons in populated areas -- EWIPA), Campaign to Stop Killer Robots (legal instrument on autonomous weapons). See also the UN treaty database, and state positions on lethal autonomous weapons.
1 = legally bound (full state party to treaty, or endorser of political declaration)
0.5 = signatory
0.25 = supporter of the call
The original data, which contains additional information such as whether a country adopted treaty text at relevant adoption meetings or has no military forces, may be viewed at this link. Scroll to the bottom of that sheet to see the date of last update.
This list may be sorted by clicking on the column headers.
This database was first constructed and is primarily maintained by Yeshua Moser-Puangsuwan. The Forum on the Arms Trade does not itself take positions, and the information presented here is the responsibility of those maintaining it. The Forum does, however, hope this resource proves valuable.